Health Curriculum

Led by the Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Department

Health Curriculum Skills

What is my child learning?

Our teachings follow TEA's TEKS Essential Skills which are organized in seven strands for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.

  1. Physical health and hygiene

  2. Healthy eating and physical activity

  3. Injury and violence prevention

  4. Alcohol, tobacco, and drug prevention

  5. Human sexuality

  6. Mental health and wellness

  7. Promote health literacy

Health Curriculum Material

Where can I view the material?

The two health curriculums, Quaver (Kindergarten - 5th) and ESTEEM (6th - 12th), that will be provided this academic year.

Review health curriculums below:

Health Curriculum Consent

How do I consent or decline?

We have implemented an 'Active Consent' policy. Parents or legal guardians must opt-in in order for their child to receive health curriculum instruction. Consent forms will be made available later in the fall.

If parents or legal guardians do not provide consent, students will not receive instruction related to SB 9 and human sexuality topics.


Did you know...

In November of 2020, the State Board of Education gave final approval to the new health education outlined by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS.) The new health education TEKS were effective in August of 2022, and will be implemented in classrooms this new academic year, according to theTexas Education Agency (TEA). This is the first update to the health curriculum in 22 years.

Chapel Hill Independent School District (CHISD) will implement a new health curriculum this academic year starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school,

Who makes these decisions?

According to the Texas Education Code, Section 28.004, the CHISD Board of Trustees is required to establish a local School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) to assist the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district's health education instruction.

Learn more about CHISD's advisory health committee (SHAC) by clicking here.