Chapel Hill ISD is committed to providing employees with a comprehensive group health plan. The district has partnered with Teacher Retirement Systems (TRS) to provide group health insurance through their ActiveCare Plans. Administration of the plan benefits is provided by a third-party administrator.
Health Plan Highlights
Family Circle of Care
CHISD is proud to partner with Family Circle of Care to bring healthcare services to our students, staff, and community. Family Circle of Care is proud to offer its FIRST School-Based Clinic program, located on the Chapel Hill High School campus. The program offers access to primary medical care and mental health services for Chapel Hill Independent School District (CHISD) employees, students, their families, as well as the general public.
Call (903)535-9041 or click the button below to learn more about our newest clinic, and enroll yourself, your children, and your loved ones.

Free Mental Health Resources
The University of Texas in Tyler is offering free telemedicine mental health services to educators and healthcare workers in East Texas. Registration for virtual consultations and virtual group sessions are now available through the website at https://www.uttyler.edu/mental-health-resources/.

Supplemental Benefits
CHISD offers voluntary benefits to supplement existing employee health insurance coverage. These are offered under the Cafeteria Plan, otherwise known as Section 125 of the 1978 Federal Tax Reform Act, which allows employees to deduct the premium paid for eligible benefits from their gross earnings before federal withholding taxes are calculated and deducted.
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Notice regarding ACA for all Chapel Hill ISD Employees, please read below: